November 17

The shape of things to come!

In 1933 when H. G. Wells wrote ‘The shape of things to come’ he could scarcely have anticipated the speed and scale of technological development, which would reshape the world. It is true that in his many writings he predicted milestones such as man’s visit to the moon and wrist-borne communicators but in common with every writer trying to predict the future he was circumscribed by the technology and systems of the present. So whilst in ‘The shape of things to come’ mention was made of a time in which “Workers took matters into their own hands and demanded more pleasant processes or more beautiful results” it was virtually impossible for H. G. Wells to predict the upheaval which technology would bring to the world of work.

Even now when we have the internet and instant communications all around us it can be hard for those who are still steeped in the 9-5 regimented work pattern of old to break out and envisage quite how much the world of work has changed and will change in the next decade or so. I’ve previously written about Generation Z (Download the white paper here) and the way in which they will bring a completely new perspective to working patterns but now a report by CBRE and Genesis has gone one further.

The report, entitled ‘Fast Forward 2030, the future of Work and the Workplace’ headlines with the bold statement that 50% of occupations today will no longer exist in 2025 as artificial intelligence, online working and changing expectations transform the world as we see it today. As Generation Z emerges both into the workforce and as customers the emphasis is set to shift towards one in which experiences are valued over possessions and in which purpose is more important than financial success.

The ability to attract and retain top talent will be the top competitive advantage for businesses in 2030, followed by innovation, adaptability, and technology adoption.

As the report highlights, in a shifting marketplace those organisations, which are set up for innovation, are the ones, which are more likely to succeed. In a way we are currently resting in the lull before the storm. For organisations, employees and customers there is still an element of taking stock, of resetting priorities and ambitions following the recession. But glance around and you can see echoes of the future already stirring up the marketplace. The FCA is actively welcoming innovation models to the finance sector, the supermarkets are already facing a shift in customer spending patterns and the legal profession is facing a demand for new training models. The echoes of the future are already here and the closer we get to 2030 the more seismic the level of change will be.

For organisations which want to ‘future-proof’ themselves the solution is to adopt a new culture; one which values the three elements of a Next Generation Innovation; namely Intelligence, Collaboration and Adaptability. For more insight into the framework for resetting strategy around innovation feel free to download the white paper Building a ‘Next Generation Organisation’.

If you want to find out more about changing the shape of things to come, about shaping the future and building a culture of innovation perhaps it’s time you got in touch? Feel free to email Cris at or browse the website for more information on how The Future Shapers help some of the world’s smartest companies succeed through innovation.


Adaptability, Change, Collaboration, Innovation, Innovation Consultant, Innovation Culture, Innovation Expert, Intelligence, Next Generation Organisation

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